
Great Minds of the 21st Century - at Work!
Damien points to this milk-squirtingly funny gem of excruciatingly critical thought — almost missed it, because he was making a different (but similar) point:
"This thing called 'the Economy' is a gigantic conspiracy, driven by greed and encompassing the entire human race; a conspiracy in which most participants enjoy a perfect illusion of autonomy. No central "Greed Bureaucracy" is coordinating a master plan to erase all other forms of life so that ours can achieve a psychotic and pointless "supremacy," but this is in fact what's happening. This is by far the most evil thing humans have ever done, and yet few seem able to clearly see this. Interestingly, the present status of the environmental debate is very much like that of racial theories before the Holocaust: a vocal minority expresses their outrage while most people quietly practice the self-serving complacence that was Hitler's ticket to power. The racism evident in Mein Kampf provoked little comment in America, even after its translation in 1939, when Hitler became Time Magazine's 'Man of the Year.'"
Really, now. Where do they find these people? But wait... Does he have a point? Yes! Yes! By God, he's right! Economies must be abolished for true freedumb! And gravity should be voluntary...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-06-06