
Jeff Flake offers rare defense of President Trump over 'Nambia' flub
[Wash Examiner] Sen. Jeff Flake offered a rare defense of President Trump on Thursday over the president's pronunciation flub of an African nation.

Trump was widely mocked Wednesday when he mispronounced Namibia as "Nambia" while praising the country's healthcare system in a speech to African leaders.

The mistake earned him headlines like "Trump praises health care of Nambia, a nonexistent African country" from CNN.

In a tweet Thursday evening, Flake, who is a vocal Republican critic of Trump's, asked people give Trump a pass on this one.

"Give @realDonaldTrump a break on Namibia. I lived there during independence. Great country, tricky pronunciation," he said.
Posted by: Besoeker 2017-09-22