
Brilliant Book About European Immigration Defines Election of Trump
[Townhall] Douglas Murray has written what is probably the most important book of the last 50 years.

His extremely readable The Strange Death of Europe clarifies so many issues that are swirling around our lives. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the state of the Western world today.

I had the distinct pleasure of spending a couple of hours with Murray while he was on a recent trip to Los Angeles. It was hard to focus the conversation because there are so many immense concepts conveyed by Murray in the book even though it is just 320 pages.

Murray debunks many of the lies foisted upon the public about the effects of mass immigration on the countries of Europe. It is challenging to give you a few tidbits, but here goes.

It is amazing how Europe and the United States share so many parallel challenges. The Europeans are flooded by people from Northern and Central Africa boating in from two jumping-off points. One is Lampedusa, Italy, and the other is the Greek Islands. Charged huge fees by transporters (think of the Coyotes who bring in people from our Southern border), many die. However, the ones who do survive are almost guaranteed a life somewhere in Europe because of the rules of the European Union (EU). "They are all coming just to make a better life for their family." Sound familiar?
Posted by: Besoeker 2017-10-01