
Linda Sarsour Tells Social Justice Rally Attendees to Be Ready to ‘Put Their Lives on the Line'
[FreeBeacon] Women's March co-organizer Linda Sarsour encouraged those at a social justice rally in New York City Sunday to be ready to "put their lives on the line" for "the movement," according to footage of her speech seen by the Washington Free Beacon.

"I am willing to die for black people, for indigenous people. I am willing to die for Muslim people, I am willing to die for the most marginalized people in this country. I am not afraid.
Prove it please.
The question is, are you ready to do that?" chanted Sarsour at the March for Racial Justice.

Sarsour also once again chanted her oft-repeated cry that "we will not be intimidated by right-wing Zionists,
Of course. You and your fellow travelers have been intimidating the still more numerous left wing Zionists into silence, a situation you don't find even slightly hypocritical or "racist".
by white supremacists, by racists."

In remarks that Zionist attendees said they believed were directed toward them, Sarsour said she "didn't feel safe" by elements in the crowd.

"If your approach is to shove your issue down our throats and center you then this not the movement for you. If your approach is to tell me there you have conditions to your participation, we don't want you in the movement," continued Sarsour.
Say what?
Sarsour also made pointed remarks toward Zionist activists who participated in the march across the Brooklyn Bridge, which was organized to include those unable to attend a similar march in D.C. on Saturday, due to it being the Jewish high holiday fast of Yom Kippur.
Posted by: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy 2017-10-03