
U.S. Counterterror Officials Announce Reward for Help in Capture of Hezbollah Leaders
[FreeBeacon] Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Nicholas Rasmussen and Ambassador-at-Large for Counterterrorism Nathan Sales announced rewards on Tuesday for the capture and conviction of two Hezbollah leaders.

The Lebanon-based Islamist organization has operatives engaging in terror activities around the world and has received aid from Iran.

"This past weekend marked the 20th anniversary of the United States designating Hezbollah as a foreign terrorist organization," Sales said. "With backing from its patron, the Iranian regime, Hezbollah remains one of the world's most dangerous terrorist organizations. It continues to commit terrorist attacks and to continue to engage in other destabilizing activities across the globe."

Sales highlighted the arrests of two individuals in the United States, one in New York and the other in Michigan.
That would be Ali Kourani and Samer el Debek, naturalized American traitors.
Sales also announced the offering of rewards for the arrests and convictions of two Hezbollah officials, Talal Hamiyah and Fu’ad Shukr. Up to $7 million is being offered for Hamiyah and up to $5 million is being offered for Shukr through the Rewards for Justice Program.

Hamiyah has been a part of attacks around the world, including against Americans and Israelis. Hamiyah is the leader of Hezbollah's international terrorist unit.

Shukr too has a long history of attacks against Americans, including playing a role in the Beirut Barracks Bombing which killed 241 American service members, mostly Marines. Shukr is a senior military commander inside of Lebanon and a member of Hezbollah's Jihad Council.

"While I'm not here today to speak publicly about any specific or credible or imminent threat to the homeland, we in the intelligence community do in fact see continued activity on behalf of Hezbollah here inside the homeland," Rasmussen said. "And as you would expect, as the American people would expect, we are watching very closely for additional signs of that activity here in the homeland."

Rasmussen said Hezbollah is determined to make its abilities to operate in the United States a priority for the organization. Additionally, Rasmussen said Hezbollah is working to procure more weapons to use in terror-supported operations in Syria and Yemen.
Posted by: newc 2017-10-11