
Pakistan's Bhutto to end exile, win next election: Zardari
EFL on Zardari's unfortunate experiences in prison.
Former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto will end her exile and lead her party to victory in the next election, her kept man husband Asif Ali Zardari said following his release from jail. "She is surely coming and will lead the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) in the next general election," Zardari told AFP in an interview Sunday at his seaside Bilawal House residence in this southern port city. "I can't give you the date, but she will be here for the next elections," Zardari said, insisting 2005 would be election year in Pakistan. "Bhutto will create history by becoming the premier for the third time."
After which she'll create history by being deposed for the third time.
"Bhutto has a role to play in Pakistan politics and the vote bank belongs to her," he said. Bhutto, who governed Pakistan twice -- from 1988 to 1990 and 1993 to 1996 -- lives in self-imposed exile in London and Dubai. She left Pakistan in April 1998 and was convicted in absentia of corruption and other charges, which she rejects as political victimisation to keep her away from last polls held in 2002. Zardari rejected speculation his release was linked to any deal with the government. "I rejected all offers and preferred prison," he said. "Democracy is our shield and we cannot compromise with the authoritarian rulers," he said.
"Until sweetie-pie gets her job back, anyway!"
On the possibility of accepting General Pervez Musharraf as both president and the army chief, Zardari said: "Democracy and authoritarian rules can't go together. He (Musharraf) can contest fresh presidential elections, but not as a general. It goes without saying."
I dunno, Perv seems capable of doing both.

Posted by: Steve White 2004-11-29