
Scream all you like, snowflakes, but if you don't get your s**t together soon, Trump's going to be your President for another seven years
[DailyMail] In two weeks it is the first anniversary of Donald Trump’s astonishing US election victory.

To ’celebrate’, thousands of Trump-hating liberals in cities like Boston, New York and Philadelphia are planning a day of protest in which they will go outside, stare upwards and shout their little heads off in rage.

I’m not joking.

The planned event is actually titled on Facebook: ’Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election’.

Organizer Johanna Schulman told Newsweek: ’This administration has attacked everything about what it means to be an American. Who wouldn’t feel helpless every day?’


Well, let me try to explain, Johanna, if you haven’t already started preemptively screaming.

There are tens of millions of Americans right now who don’t feel helpless at all. In fact, they’ve never felt happier that they’ve finally got a guy in the White House who THEY believe stands up for THEM.

They don’t share YOUR view of what it means to be an American.

They share Trump’s view, because it’s THEIR view.

That’s why he was elected President, and that’s why I am beginning to think he will be comfortably re-elected in 2020.

For those who think I’ve gone completely mad, here is what I told British GQ magazine in September, 2015, when they asked me: Who will win the US election?

’I think Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination,’ I answered. ’The Democrats will only stand a chance of beating him if they ditch Hillary Clinton, who is now a busted flush, and go with Joe Biden, possibly with Elizabeth Warren as his running mate.’
My kingdom for the Bluesmobile and a laugh track.
Posted by: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy 2017-10-26