
The Mother of All Scandals
[American Thinker] There is an answer to Hillary’s question, "What Happened?"

And yes, it should be considered a dumb question rather than a book title. But the short answer to her question is: She fooled almost the entire left, for over two decades. Oh wait, that was a book title, not a question.

And therein lies her biggest problem. She’s not really asking the question as she should be, she’s not reflecting. Instead, she’s wagging a finger and blaming everyone else for her loss.

Back to the Clintons fooling the left. Let’s start counting the ways. She was not just smart, she was the smartest woman ever. She was fully competent and capable in everything. She fought bravely for all the right issues. She was more qualified to be President than anyone who preceded her. She was, and is, the bright moral compass pointing the way forward to the left (who they believe should be all of us). She was the Yin to her husband’s Yang. They were the best power couple ever, a beacon of truth shining in the darkness.

Except they weren’t. She has proved that over time, and her book tour is confirming it.

And the left is about to melt down as she and hubby finally are revealed for who they are. Who are they? In a nutshell, they are the left’s version of Elmer Gantry: frauds who love adulation, and even more, love money, power, and fame. If you think the left melted down when Trump won, wait until they have the scales fall from their eyes as this new scandal engulfs her and her party.

Because this is the mother of all scandals.

Trump has used his branding genius on this scandal already. He called it this generation’s Watergate. Which has to grate on the left, the media has once again been duly trolled. After all, nothing was worse than Richard Nixon. Ever. Now, most have heard the media scoundrels use the term dog-whistle. It’s overused, and abused on the left, a smirk, a knowing wink and they all come alive, cackling when they use it. Well, Trump just whistled for them. "Watergate, Modern Age."
Posted by: Besoeker 2017-10-30