
Roland Martin to John Kelly: ‘Shame on You,' Too Many White People in This Country ‘Don't Know History'
Too many people in this country don't know history. Americans, in general, prefer to think about the future.
[Breitbart] Tuesday on MSNBC "Velshi & Ruhle," discussing White House chief of staff John Kelly’s comments on Fox News about Confederate monuments, host of "News One Now" Roland Martin said "too many people in this country who are white" didn’t know history and wanted to "somehow glorify these Confederate leaders."

Martin said, "I’m not going to allow four stars stuck on stupid to simply go on. Here’s a man who’s utterly clueless. For him to say, ’Well, we could have compromised’‐really? We did compromise. It was a thing called United States Constitution, and you know what that said? If you’re a black, you’re three-fifths of a human."
Pathetic, but typical of those who don't know history.
He continued, "I need John Kelly to actually go back and read a history book that my 12-year-old nieces are reading right now, because clearly, he fell asleep in history."
One hopes they will read all the chapters, rather than fixating on a single highlight box as their uncle did.

Posted by: Besoeker 2017-11-01