
NRA's List of Anti-Gunners
[2acheck] In addition to our own research Second Amendment Check has decided it is worth sharing the work of others. Therefore, we are sharing the NRA-ILA’s lists of:

"Anti-Gun National Organizations"

"Anti-Gun Corporations/Corporate"

"Anti-Gun Publication and Media Outlets"

"Anti-Gun Individuals & Celebrities"

At Second Amendment Check we always attempt to source our material in our quest to provide objective and credible information. Again, these lists have been compiled by the NRA-ILA, whom we recognize as a credible source of information. Having said that, the exact criteria for making it onto the list are unclear, and the claims of being "Anti-Gun" have not been independently verified or validated by Second Amendment Check.

Also, after having had these lists published on their public website for many months, they have been removed after receiving some recent attention in the alternative media. As noted in the Feb 11, 2013 update in this this Huffington Post article, the NRA-ILA has quietly removed the list from their website, but it can still be found in a web archive from January. The reason for the removal of this list is not yet known. Speculation suggests that the NRA ILA didn’t want to call unwanted attention to itself, or perhaps that it is reassessing or updating that list. Second Amendment Check will attempt to get to the bottom of this mysterious disappearance.
They missed Mila Kunis who was addressed on the site yesterday. Got a few dead ones there also. But it's a start.
Extensive. Somebody has been taking copious notes.

Posted by: Anomalous Sources 2017-11-06