
The Disease Of Political Correctness Is Rampant In Our Military
[Don Feder's Grasstops, Lorton, VA] Now that you're through being nauseated, incensed and generally disgusted with the Bowe Bergdahl sentence ‐ 20 lashes with a dishonorable discharge ‐ keep it in context. The travesty is symptomatic of the political correctness that's rampant in our military.

Bergdahl's non-punishment may have been a way for the judge, Col. Jeffery Nance, to give the middle-finger salute to Trump, who called the deserter "a dirty rotten traitor who should have been executed."

In an e-mail to his parents before he took French leave in 2009, Bergdahl said he was "ashamed to be an American" (twice), that "the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools," that "the US Army is the biggest joke the world has to laugh at... It is the army of liars, backstabbers and bullies," and "the horror that is America is disgusting." Don't hold back.

Six good men died searching for this piece of human offal. The wife of Master Sergeant Mark Allen testified at the sentencing hearing. Shot in the head looking for Bergdahl, Allen was sentenced to life in a wheelchair, unable to speak, raise his hands or hug his 9-year-old daughter.

In exchange for "the dirty rotten traitor who deserved to be executed," Obama traded five top Taliban commanders, who are presently plotting the deaths of more Americans.

Obama announced Bergdahl's release in a Rose Garden ceremony, flanked by his parents. His National Security Advisor Susan Rice hailed the deserter as a soldier who served "with honor and distinction." Lying comes easily to Rice, who spent two weeks telling the world that the Benghazi butchery was sparked by a video.
A bit more at the link.
Posted by: Besoeker 2017-11-07