
Race to replace Kofi begins
HT Instapundit. EFL. Sounds like the knives are coming out for sharpening. Bye Bye Kofi.
Reports that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has endorsed Thai Foreign Minister Surakiart Sathirathai as Asia's candidate for the post of United Nations secretary general when Kofi Annan's term expires in December 2006 have been received with surprise by diplomatic milieus in New York. Most observers feel that such a move is premature and that the real campaigning for the post will only start around mid-2006.
They haven't noticed the blood in the water, I guess...
UN secretaries general are elected for one five-year term and are generally re-elected for a second term, with the post being rotated each 10 years among the regional groups within the UN. An exception to this unwritten rule was the Egyptian Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who was elected as a representative of the African group in 1992 but was not given a second term when the US vetoed his re-election and promoted Kofi Annan for the post.
That was certainly a brilliant decision
On paper Annan should have served only one term, thus completing Africa's 10-year tenure, but he was given a second term in 2002.
Another brillian decision. Both apparently on Bush watches. I'll bet they thought Halliburton was paying Kofi more than Saddam.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis 2004-12-01