
Death's Dusty Measure
[38North] In recent weeks, the gathering storm has been described by countless observers on an almost daily basis. Anyone who reads a newspaper of whatever political stripe knows the dangers and the potential catastrophic losses in blood and treasure if current trends continue. Perhaps what has been lacking has been a closer look at the clockwork mechanisms driving the dangers to higher and higher levels.

One problem not well understood is that the North Koreans believe recent developments in their nuclear weapons program have boosted them to a level of invulnerability, and that as a result, Washington‐whatever it might say‐is without options to counter them.

In fact, Pyongyang is so convinced that its strategic position has fundamentally changed for the better that it has recently suggested there may be no need for it to continue building up its program. Since two successful ICBM launches last July, the North’s position is that it has reached the "final stage" in bolstering the nuclear force. It has even explicitly laid out a final goal, a "practical equilibrium" with the United States. What that means exactly we do not know, though presumably Pyongyang has something specific in mind.
Posted by: Anomalous Sources 2017-11-13