
Pentagon "Mistakenly" Retweets Post Calling For Trump To Resign
Defense Secretary James Mattis will get an earful from his boss this morning, after an "authorized user" of the Pentagon Twitter account retweeted ‐ and then swiftly deleted - a tweet calling for President Donald Trump to resign after the president slammed Sen. Al Franken while remaining silent about Alabama Sen. Candidate Roy Moore.

Pentagon spokesman Col. Rob Manning said in a statement that an authorized operator of the Defense Department's official Twitter site "erroneously retweeted content that would not be endorsed by the Department of Defense. The operator caught this error and immediately deleted it."

The White House’s official position on allegations that Moore had inappropriate sexual contact with at least seven women when they were teenagers ‐ one of whom was just 14 at the time ‐ is that the Alabama voters should decide his fate. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has threatened to expel Moore should he win the seat.
Yeah, ZeroHedge, but they post the goods.

Posted by: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy 2017-11-17