
A Coup in Lugansk
It appears a coup is in the works in Lugansk.

Lugansk People's Republic has been a mess since the start of 2015, when select military commanders were sanctioned by the Lugansk authorities, or killed outright.

Their main crime was dissent against the Lugansk political leadership.

If you look at my blog under the rubric of DONBASSAR, I have described several incidents relating to the murder of formation commanders in Lugansk, at one point, ethnic Cossacks were being deported back to Russia or killed.

The political leadership of Lugansk and Donetsk, former and current have continually denied the charges, which were actually fairly common among writers -- Russian and others-- that all the killings of Lugansk formation commanders was the work of Ukrainian saboteurs.

The evidence, from videos and other sources, painted a picture of a Lugansk political leadership refusing to brook any opposition, a political leadership not adverse to using the power of the state to commit those murders.

Last week came a story, obviously planted, that Plonitsky was planning for a return to Ukraine, presumably with safe passage for him and the rest of his government.

To understand how important that is consider: If a political solution was ever to be worked out which included a return to Ukraine, many formation commanders, many of them ethnic Russians, but citizens of Ukraine, would be men without a country, facing arrest, humiliation,prosecution and execution by the Ukrainian national government.

The prospect of that is too grim to simply ignore.
Posted by: badanov 2017-11-21