
Mercer: How do you know America is a matriarchy?
[Barlely A Blog] UPDATED (11/20): State Of Sexual Hysteria Unique To Super Neurotic, Formerly Puritanical, Anglo-American Sphere Femenism, Gender, Left-Liberalsim, Media, Morality, Pop-Culture, Sex, The Zeitgeist.

How do you know America is a matriarchy? Today, November 19, is International Men’s Day, 2017, and what is being discussed non-stop on the Mad Hatter Media? Women’s complaints against men‐current complaints, past complaints, proven and unproven, possible future complaints, ethics committees to facilitate more complaints.

In years past, a token attempt at discussing "men’s health issues" would have been attempted on International Men’s Day. Now, with the help of men themselves, the day is devoted to vilifying The Male.
… the day has become something of a toxic punchline in a year filled with sexual assault allegations against major male figures — including President Donald Trump. It’s not been a banner year for men, as many in positions of power have been exposed as using that influence in cases of sexual harassment and assault. …

The country is becoming a farce, thanks to the dominance of unhinged females. Here’s a clue as to the uniquely American nature of the derangement: Other than in the UK, albeit to a lesser degree, where a similar kind of woman prevails, where in the world are nations wrestling with a manufactured crisis, elevated to a national level exclusively by women?

Posted by: Besoeker 2017-11-23