
Sarah Hoyt: How to Deal with Leftist Turkeys on Gobbler Day
...Recently on Facebook, a friend asked us to list what we were thankful for, and he got the standard tight-lipped leftist reply: "Well, I guess I’m grateful my native ancestors weren’t killed or raped like so many others were."

This is typical leftist cant, talking about the plight of the "Native Americans." And it’s booshwa. There are so many errors packed in that sentence that it’s almost unbelievable. It starts with his "native ancestors," and no, we’re not going into the fact that to our knowledge no human beings evolved in America. We’re instead going with the fact that the native tribes were genetically swamped. So swamped that I think the amount of Amerindian DNA to be considered "Native American" is about 16 percent. Might be less.

...This is because ‐ second error ‐ Amerindian tribes weren’t cartoon Disney characters. They didn’t live in "harmony with nature" singing to the pretty flowers and animals. Sure, some Indian writings have catered to this, but that’s just proof they were thoroughly assimilated. The idea of the Indians as noble savages is a thing of French romanticism, not of any native culture.

Native cultures were much like tribal cultures anywhere, red in tomahawk and war band.

Yeah, lots of them were raped and killed ‐ by other tribes ‐ in more or less endless warfare long before the Europeans arrived.

That they were pretty thoroughly genetically swamped and culturally destroyed was not a particularly rare thing in history. It was a story repeated many times.

...Perhaps that’s why the left is, once again, going to war against Thanksgiving. Yes, yes, the poor lost Natives who sang to plants and frolicked with animals will be brought back from their graves to justify leftists’ hatred of every society that won’t hand them total power.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2017-11-23