
Bret Weinstein: Social Justice Warriors Are ‘Taking Over More And More Territory' On College Campuses
h/t Instapundit
Bret Weinstein is the former Evergreen State College biology professor who became the focus of a social justice witch hunt on campus earlier this year. Weinstein and his wife later sued for several million dollars but agreed to a settlement for $500,000 in exchange for leaving the school. All that to say, Weinstein is the voice of experience when it comes to the mob of social justice warriors on campus.

In this brief interview recorded late last month, Weinstein argues several interesting points. First, he believes the social justice warriors are winning their battle to control campuses. "I don’t think that we can say that the entire educational apparatus is a failure," Weinstein said. He continued, "But we can say that the part of the apparatus that is a failure is taking over more and more territory.

"The number of classes in a university that are immune to this extremely broken way of thinking is ever smaller. And I think we can even see from here the day in which it will be no classes that are immune because every class is going to be subject to some set of rules that is built around this very naive notion of privilege and white supremacy and all of that. So that day is coming."

This all goes back to one of the reasons Weinstein became a pariah among the far left on his former campus. He objected to a new "equity" platform introduced at the college which would have made social equity a factor in all future hiring decisions. He argued at the time that professors teaching in STEM fields should be hired based on academic qualifications without regard to social justice concerns. And as we all know, he was eventually branded a racist and students demanded he resign.
And that's boys & girls why the evil capitalists prefer to hire foreign educated foreigners
Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2017-11-27