
Anatomy of a Farce
[National Review] Fusion GPS founder’s testimony shows how we got the collusion narrative . . . and why it won’t go away

Someone with fourth-hand knowledge that the bank was robbed claims that Smith conspired ‐ er, I mean, colluded ‐ with the local organized-crime family to rob the bank. Jones figures it must be true because he heard it from a trusted friend, a former cop ‐ and you know those guys have great sources. Yet, Jones has no concrete evidence that it’s true.

In fact, he can’t even prove that the mobsters had anything to do with the robbery, much less that Smith did. But Jones is an industrious investigative journalist. Long before the bank was robbed, he conducted months of in-depth research and came to a single, unalterable, unassailable conclusion: Smith is a really crappy guy. He is a grade-A louche with mafia business partners and a decades-long record of financial shenanigans that walk the razor’s edge of actionable fraud.

Born into wealth, he puts on the airs of the self-made man. When he’s in town, hide the women away. If he says he’ll pay you for a job, get it in writing . . . and make sure he still needs you when it’s time to pay up. Better have a good lawyer on retainer, too, just in case. Smith’s books are undoubtedly cooked, but they’re better hidden than Jimmy Hoffa ‐ and yeah, you can bet he knows something about that, too.

Here’s what totally infuriates Jones, though: Smith seems to skate from debacle to debacle not only unscathed but ever more audacious. If you knew what Jones knows, rather than what the public thinks it knows, you wouldn’t trust Smith to run a 7-Eleven ‐ yet, Smith sees himself as White House material! Do you feel the frustration, the indignation that Jones feels in our hypothetical? If you do, then you know what it’s like to be Glenn Simpson. The former Wall Street Journal reporter is a superb investigative journalist. More notoriously these days, he is the founder of Fusion GPS.

It was he, in cahoots with his friend and collaborator, former British spy Christopher Steele, who orchestrated the compilation and dissemination of the so-called Steele dossier ‐ the fons et origo of the Trump‐Russia collusion narrative. We now know the dossier was covertly commissioned by the Clinton campaign, which dealt with Fusion through a layer of lawyers.

Posted by: Besoeker 2018-01-15