
Gender Studies Coordinator’s Checklist Determines Your Level of Support for White Supremacy
[LEGALINSURRECTION] “dismantling the master narratives of white supremacy within our colleges and universities”
I think I've decided I'm a White Supremacist. Being white, I know that the white violent crime rate is considerably less than half the black crime rate. Nationwide, black students graduated high school at a rate of 69 percent; Hispanics graduated at 73 percent; whites graduated at a rate of 86 percent. I know that whites have 60 percent of science and tech degrees; ten percent are Hispanic, and 8.5 percent are black.

That's not to say that white culture doesn't produce any underachievers, only that black and (some, not all) Hispanic cultures are more likely to. In my opinion, which is dismissable because I'm an old crank, it's the logical outgrowth of a culture where being considered dangerous is regarded as something to be proud of.

Being a White Supremacist seems to involve not being armed and dangerous, but being courteous and cooperative with others, and eschewing the Seven Deadly Sins.

Posted by: Fred 2018-01-17