
The Unmatched Genius Of Barack Obama
Opinion by Raj

This thought had occurred to me previously (and is probably not entirely original) but it didn't finally take shape until now. I mocked him yesterday for looking like he was taking a shit in his official presidential portrait. We also remember a picture or two where he extends his middle finger in an otherwise innocuous photograph, and his NCAA picks, and other such behavior when he's not loading up pallets of cash to Iranian terrorists and the like.

We had the epic thread back in 2011 when we (perhaps the best collection of online IQ anywhere) asked 'if you were an enemy of the United States, what would you do differently than what Obama is doing now?'. We were all in agreement - 'not much'.

This most recent picture of Obama on the loo reminded me of that thread, and Obama's assault on our country. Aside from these direct actions, it seems to me he doesn't mind debasing / embarrassing himself in these manners if it serves the purpose of weakening the office of the Presidency, does it?

I offer up this post in order for the Rantburg community to mention other examples of this dynamic. Sadly, I think he still has some shots to fire, as we saw today. Then again, we have Trump to fire back, and then some.
Posted by: Raj 2018-02-13