
Liberals Furious That Trump Wants To Replace Food Stamps With Actual Food
[DAILYWIRE] In his big budget proposal on Monday, President Trump offered a novel idea: Instead of giving people in need government stamps they can redeem for food, why not just give them actual food?
Ah, the good old days...
As you might guess, liberals were enraged by the notion. How dare Trump try to take away food stamps from hungry people and give them — of all things — food!
Yep. Used to actually have to go down to the firehouse to pick the stuff up. We didn't have a car, so we had to walk the whole way there and back. Musta been six, seven blocks!
Here's how the liberal HuffPost saw it: "Facing a trillion-dollar deficit because of his just-passed tax cuts, President Donald Trump has an idea for how to get some of that money back: making poor people eat beans and rice."
It wuz terrible! No potato chips! No Fritos. Instead we got flour, powdered eggs, lard, butter, Spam. canned pork and gravy. You can't eat that stuff right outa the container!
Oh the humanity!
Mom had to spend time unwrapping stuff and cooking!
Currently, food stamps — known officially as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — are provided for some 42 million people, 80% of whom get food vouchers each month worth at least $90 per person. They can be redeemed at many stores for food, but the program is rife with abuse.
You could eat on a block of cheese for six months. But it just wudn't Cheetos. I did trade one once for a baseball bat. We had a half dozen of them, couldn't eat 'em fast enough. We didn't have indoor plumbing, but with that much cheese, did it matter?
Posted by: Fred 2018-02-14