
LevinTV host Mark Levin's Fox News show premieres this Sunday
[ConservativeReview] This weekend, Fox News will launch the first episode of LevinTV host Mark Levin’s new weekend program, "Life, Liberty & Levin." Premiering Sunday at 10:00 p.m. ET, Levin’s new show will feature in-depth, long-form interviews.

"Hosted by nationally syndicated radio talk show personality Mark Levin, the hour-long show will explore the fundamental values and principles undergirding American society, culture, politics, and current events, and their relevance to the nation’s future and everyday lives of citizens," Fox News said in a press release.

"As a proud citizen of the United States, I am delighted to share the significance of American values with such a wide audience and look forward to engaging with important guests about crucial topics," Levin said.

The first episode of Levin’s new weekly program will feature an interview with syndicated columnist Walter Williams, an economist and professor at George Mason University.

Viewers can catch Mark Levin on his daily show "LevinTV" weeknights on CRTV.

Posted by: Anomalous Sources 2018-02-24