
China to topple United States as biggest nuclear-energy nation
[RT] Beijing is forecast to triple its nuclear capacity in the next 20 years, ousting the US as number one nuclear-power producer, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

“China is coming back strong. Today there are about 60 nuclear power plants under construction and more than one-third of them are in China. China is growing and as a result of that we’ll soon see China overtaking the United States as the Number 1 nuclear power in the world,” the IEA CEO Fatih Birol said, as quoted by Marketwatch.
Nuclear power? What does that have to do with power production? China has four times the population of the U.S., and while they are #1 in electrical production and consumption to our #2, on a per capita basis China has a long way to go to catch up. Even in terms of nuclear power plants, we get 9.2% of our electricity from that source (18th in the world), though apparently we have the most plants, while China gets 2% (28th in the world). I only hope they will not apply the same mindset to maintenance as they have thus far to debt or preventing pollution.

Posted by: Skidmark 2018-02-25