
Rantburg Exclusive: SDF Battlefield Combat 3/4/2018 - U.S. Embassy Ankara, Turkey Closed - Warns Americans Keep Low Profile
SDF Statement: Despite the UN Security Council decree 2401, which obligates all parties to stop combat operations, the Turkish state continues to violate international resolutions and targets our people in Afrin with various types of weapons and air raids, which expose our people to systematic annihilation. And the response to this aggression, and the following is the outcome of self-defense operations in Afrin province.

1-Mabatah / Mabtali: Direct clashes continued on this axis between our forces and the Turkish invasion army and the terrorist factions AL- Nusra / Daesh) until late hours of the night and coincided with the indiscriminate shelling of heavy weapons and air raids.

2-Shara: The direct clashes on this axis between our forces and the Turkish invasion army and the terrorist factions continued until late in the night. This coincided with the indiscriminate bombardment of heavy weapons and air raids, with the focus of the clashes centered on the village of Buffalon and Cema.

Umra‐ On the axis of the village of Jema (Cema) / Umra, our forces spotted a armored military vehicle BMB yesterday afternoon and targeted them with a direct hit that led to their destruction and the killing of those.

3 ‐ Raju: The direct clashes continued on this axis between our forces and the Turkish invasion army and the terrorist factions (AL-Nusra / Daesh) until late hours of the night and coincided with the indiscriminate shelling of heavy weapons and air raids.

‐ In Musaka village, our forces observed the Turkish private gendarmerie (JOH) and the private police forces (POH) and directly engaged them, killing at least 9 of them.

4-Jinderes: This front has not subsided since the beginning of the Turkish invasion and the terrorist factions, where our forces are resolutely attacking the terrorists. In the afternoon, our forces observed terrorist movements on the axis of Hamilka village and Hujailer village and killing three terrorists and injuring five, while the clashes in the village of Hujailer killed 9 terrorists, including two Turkish soldiers and wounding 8 others.

Since the morning of the day, the hostile jets launched the heaviest raids on the town center, and the shelling continues until the time of preparation of this report.

5 -Shiyeh/Shaik Hadid: The most violent clashes between our forces and the Turkish invasion army and the terrorist factions continue since the morning hours and continue until the moment of preparation of this report. The clashes are accompanied by indiscriminate shelling with heavy weapons and jets targeting the town center and villages surrounding.

SDF.Media Center
4 March 2018

The following is a map that shows the situation on the ground according to SyrianCivilWarMap.com:

A comment from a highly regarded ATGM Konkurs Guided Missile operator Delila Agiri YPJ.

YPG fighter survived 26 days behind enemy lines.

The US Embassy in Turkey told American citizens it is closed to the public Monday because of a "security threat," and advised them to "keep a low profile," the embassy said in a security alert.

Posted by: Ulaigum Ebbineng7056 2018-03-05