
Australian Prime Minister to get Tim Tams for US soldier
A US soldier serving in Iraq wants Tim Tams for Christmas and Prime Minister John Howard is keen to oblige. A caller to Melbourne radio 3AW told Mr Howard today she needed his help to get the treats to her sister's husband — an American soldier serving in Iraq. "We are just wanting some information as far as sending food parcels for Christmas ... he loves his Tim Tams," Leanne from Sydenham in Melbourne's north-west told radio 3AW. She said the family had been sending parcels to an address in Iraq but they were taking more than six weeks to get there. Mr Howard offered to help Leanne get the Australian snack to the soldier. "I guess we'd want the bloke's name and his unit ... that would be handy, and we'll see what we can do, we'll try to help," he said. Mr Howard said "thank you" to Australian forces serving in Iraq and that he would be sending them an official Christmas message.
Posted by: God Save The World 2004-12-10