
Rantburg Exclusive: Hundreds of "Human Shields" Arrive in Afrin as Turk Artillary and Air Power Pulvarize Their Way to Afrin
Statement From the SDF: Despite the UN Security Council Resolution 2401, which obligates all parties to stop hostilities, the Turkish state continues to violate the international resolution and targets our people in Afrin with deferent types of weapons and airstrikes, which expose our people to a systematic annihilation. Therefore, our forces are confined to self- defense in case of any attacks on Afrin.

1‐Afrin City: the most violent clashes have been continuing since yesterday between our forces and the Turkish occupation army and its terrorist factions in Khalata village, where the invaders tried to advance in this axis, but our forces repelled their attacks, where the ongoing clashes resulted in the destruction a military vehicle loaded with Doshka and the killing of 37 terrorists. The clashes are still ongoing, accompanied by indiscriminate artillery shelling and airstrikes.

2‐Jinderes: Kafar Dallah, Faqirah and Qojima villages have been exposed to a random artillery shelling since yesterday until writing this report.

3‐Belbeleh: there have been the most violent clashes in this axis since yesterday between our forces and the Turkish invasion army and its terrorist factions (ISIS-Al-Nusra), accompanied by aerial and artillery bombardment, where more than 250 shells landed on Belbleh downtown. Our fighters confirmed killing of 27 terrorists and the clashes are still ongoing until now.

In Qastal Khadriyah, Cholaqa and Khedra, the engagements are ongoing since yesterday between our forces and the invaders, where our forces reported the killing of 17 terrorists.

4‐Mabatah: heavy clashes broke out between our forces and the Turkish invasion army in Brejma village since yesterday until writing this report, the clashes were accompanied by airstrikes and artillery shelling. Our fighters from the battlefield confirmed the killing of 14 terrorists.

Syria Democratic Forces ‐ Media Center
11 March 2018

This is the most current map of the situation on the ground. The Yellow is YPG/YPJ Kurdish area. Cyan is the area that is occupied by the Turks.

With bombs falling a mile away in the city of Afrin, the Kurds dance in the streets in defiance of the NATO Turkey's bombs, drones, aircraft and Turkey's Al Qaeda terrorists.

YPJ fighters who remain behind the lines in Dier Ezzor Province to fight against the Turks.

A Part Of The #Kurdish Female Fighters Of #YPJ, That Have Remained In DeirEzzorProvince To Hold Their Positions Against #Daesh, Have Celebrated The 8th Of March-The International Women's Day On The DeirEzzorFrontline pic.twitter.com/gGskgOIQjL

— Erica (@ericasangsuwan) March 9, 2018

All across Europe there are demonstrations against Erdogan and Turkey. In each location in Germany, Berlin - Stuttgart - Duesseldorf, demonstrators were attacked by German Police.
Posted by: Ulaigum Ebbineng7056 2018-03-12