
Negotiations under way for release of Javed Hashmi
The acting president of the Pakistan Peoples Party-Nawaz, Makhdoom Javed Hashmi, could be from prison soon, according to sources. This speculation follows reports that a deal is being negotiated with major political parties currently in the opposition. Party sources said government representatives are engaged in talks over the release with Hashmi's daughter, Maimoona, a member of the National Assembly. They also hinted Hashmi could be free within weeks. An official indication of the possible freeing of the PML-N leader, jailed since November 2003, and found guilty early this year of sedition and inciting mutiny, came in recent remarks by Information Minister Shaikh Rashid Ahmad. He had said that minor mistakes would be forgiven. He was referring to Javed Hashmi.
This'd be Perv mending some fences with the non-MMA parties. It'll be interesting to see what comes of it, if anything. MMA's been courting the PML-N, too...

Posted by: Fred 2004-12-12