
What did Comey know about Pulse Nightclub terrorist, and when did he know it?
[Wash Times] In the days following the Orlando mass shooting that left 49 dead and 58 injured, then FBI Director James Comey acknowledged that the FBI had investigated ISIS-inspired terrorist Omar Mateen on two different occasions:

Comey explained how and why Mateen had been investigated and said that the FBI assessment was that he posed no danger at that time. He then employed his trademark "Eliot Ness" furvor swearing that he would move heaven and earth to find out what went wrong:
"We will continue to look forward in this investigation and backward. We will leave no stone un-turned and we will work all day and all night to understand the path to that terrible night. We’re also going to look hard at our own work, to see whether there’s something we should have done differently. So far, the honest answer is I don’t think so."

And yet, here we are almost two years later and we haven’t heard anything. In fact, it’s worse than that. We’re now learning that Comey and the FBI hid a key bit of information from the American people in the days after the attacks. He purposely did not disclose that Mateen’s father, Seddique Mateen, was an informant for the FBI for the ten years preceding the deadly attacks.

The FBI's outrageous handling of Pulse nightclub shooter Omar Mateen

Posted by: Besoeker 2018-03-29