
Analysis: Education key to fight Islamism
I'd recommend firearms and long periods of incarceration for any survivors, myself...
Despite recent successes in preventing terrorist attacks in Europe, threats from radical Islamists are real, serious and long-term, according to the European Union's chief anti-terrorist coordinator. Closer cooperation and exchange of intelligence between the European Union's intelligence services have thwarted nearly a dozen terrorist attacks since 9/11. The most recent success was upsetting a plot by Ansar al-Islam, a group affiliated with al-Qaida, to kill Iraq's interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi during his visit to Berlin last month. In addition to the Islamist threat, Geert De Vries, the EU's top anti-terrorism man, speaking to United Press International in his office in the European Union headquarters in Brussels, said that Europeans should not ignore risks from "classic terrorism" — Europe's home-grown terrorist groups, such as the Basque's ETA. A recent spate of bomb attacks across Spain was claimed by ETA, the Basque separatist organization.
We don't ignore the "classic" terror orgs here, but they're so overshadowed by the turbans that they become almost negligable. Plus, the lessons learned fighting the turbans apply just as well to the "classics," who've pretty much ceased to be a real threat; John Kerry would probably describe them as "irritants" or something.
Radical European Muslims who volunteered to fight the U.S. invasion of Iraq and who are now reported to be heading back to their respective countries may pose a more imminent risk, however.
I just said that, didn't I?
This is raising concerns that the former jihadis — now armed with hardened combat experience — may become members of active or sleeper cells upon which al-Qaida or its affiliates could call on for future terrorist operations in Europe. Claude Moniquet — of the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center in Brussels, who monitors Islamist terrorism — worries the Europeans are not adequately prepared to handle this new crisis.
I doubt they are, in Belchium. The Netherlands are picking up speed on it, and the French and German intel services have been on the case for quite a while. The Swiss are also doing good work, when it suits their peculiar chocolate purposes...

Posted by: Fred 2004-12-13