
ANSWER meets New Jedi Order.
Some vintage Korora.

Calamari(Galactic Free Press)—Nine million protestors, many from Interstellar ANSWER and such, descended on the capital of the Republic on Calamari on Saturday to call for an end to the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. Very common were signs like "Omas is Palpatine," "No circulatory fluids for biotech," and many other slogans.

Said Falynn Daydreamer of Tatooine, "The Yuuzhan Vong just want to live in peace. The Republic destroyed Sernpidal for agitation purposes and then attacked at Dubrillion. I suspect that the Jedi know they cannot grok the Yuuzhan Vong and so seek to wipe them out. Certainly they killed Supreme Chancellor Fey'lya because he did not lick their jackboots. They made him into a martyr for their cause to cover up their crimes, of course."

Jonash Gallamby of Nar Shaddaa echoed Daydreamer's thoughts. "Kyp Durron and Jaina Solo deliberately destroyed a Yuuzhan Vong worldship they knew to be full of civilians because the Jedi kill all those they cannot sway." He went on to add that "Cal Omas is a puppet of the Jedi, and will not defy them. The Senate should have a vote of no confidence in him, remove him, and either throw him in prison or force-feed him blaster bolts for his war crimes."

Posted by: Steve from Relto 2004-12-13