
Bill Priestap and the James Comey Entanglement
[OpsLens] So, who is Bill Priestap...and why should you care? Because it’s Game over! for the Democrats. The first thing you need to realize is just how central E.W. "Bill" Priestap is to the entire "Russian Conspiracy" story concocted by the Democrats. The second thing you need to understand is why the absence of his name from the media circus is a cause for concern...for the Democrats.

In short, Priestap is the head of FBI counterintelligence operations. As FBI Assistant Director in charge of counterintelligence, Bill Priestap was immediate supervisor of Peter Strzok. Therein lies the lynchpin that can cause the entire house of cards to collapse.

For those of you who don’t know, Peter Strzok was the leader of the FBI’s investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election. The same Peter Strzok whose text messages clearly showed a bias against Donald Trump.

The investigation into then-presidential candidate Donald Trump was, in fact, a counterintelligence operation. That operation began in July 2016. As such, Bill Priestap would be directly in charge of that operation along with all other FBI counterintelligence operations. Meaning, Peter Strzok reported directly to Bill Preistap. This is important because, under current FBI structure and policy, Strzok would be reporting every detail of the investigation and would not be able to make any move without Priestap’s approval.

Strzok would have needed to go to Priestap to get authorization to engage with Christopher Steele over the "Russian Dossier." Priestap would be the one to approve of the underlying investigative process used for both FISA applications (June 2016 and October 2016). Bill Priestap would also be the one to approve of arranging, paying, or even reimbursing Christopher Steele for the Russian Dossier.

Related: Last Refuge: The Enigma Man – E.W. “Bill” Priestap…
Posted by: Besoeker 2018-04-08