
Did Hillary deliberately allow her server to be hacked?
[American Thinker] It is widely known and accepted that Russian elements have repeatedly exposed vulnerabilities in American infrastructure networks. A hacker known as "Guccifer 2.0," who according to the Daily Beast was an officer of Russia’s military intelligence directorate (GRU), has taken credit for providing WikiLeaks with stolen emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

The US Government was also notified in 2015 by Israeli intelligence that Kaspersky Labs, a multinational cybersecurity and anti-virus software producer ran by Vladimir Putin Crony Eugene Kaspersky, had accessed sensitive information from the laptop of an NSA contractor.

The fact is, our intelligence has been aware of the constant Russian cyber-attacks for several years. In an effort to combat potential exposure of national secrets, the State Department has had policy in place since 2005 warning officials against the use of personal email accounts for government work.

That Hillary Clinton could maintain an unsecured server for most of her 4 years as Secretary of State seems to validate many of the popularized "deep state" conspiracy theories that have floated around the political right the past few years. Furthermore, apart from Guccifer 2.0’s Russian government link and stolen email exposure from a DNC hack, other involvement may be associated with malware, which was uncovered as a Chinese open-source tool.

Skipping down to the BLUF:

With rampant speculation about the Clinton monetization of the State Department in light of the Uranium One deal swirling, this question of whether keeping the server unprotected was to aid in the dissemination of American secrets to the international benefactors of the Clinton Foundation must be addressed.
Posted by: Besoeker 2018-04-15