
It's all downhill for Comey now
[American Thinker] The day that James Comey cashed the multi-million dollar advance check from MacMillan Publishers will turn out to mark the date that we can call "Peak Comey." It was all downhill from the instant the ink started drying on his signature on the back of the check. He and his ghost writer suddenly faced the unenviable task of making him look like the righteous warrior he had always portended to be, but with the need to fill 300 pages with something. Self-serving rationalizations can’t sustain reader interest over that many words, so apparently they decided that prose about physical appearances drawn from the bodice-ripper school of novels grafted onto Trump-hatred would do the trick.

The result was so awful that even the Washington Post, owned by arch-enemy of Trump Jeff Bezos, felt the need for a satire. The result, written Alexandra Petri, a Post writer whose "Compost" blog is described as "offering a lighter take on the news and opinions of the day," is downright hilarious. Purporting to offer "further excerpts" from his forthcoming book, her satire takes on the purple prose and wrestles it to the mat.

A couple of samples:
Posted by: Besoeker 2018-04-16