
At last! Comey admits he is an idiot
[American Thinker] Hillary Clinton and her sycophants are still upset that James Comey does not get on his knees and beg forgiveness for re-opening on October 28, 2016 the investigation of Hillary because of emails found on Anthony Weiner's computer.

In Clinton world, Hillary lost because Comey publicly announced that he was re-opening the investigation. The Clintonistas (Democratic Party and mainstream media) are also still upset that even though Comey publicly announced in July 2016 that he would not file criminal charges against Hillary, Comey publicly described in detail the facts that warranted to any honest prosecutor criminal prosecution of Hillary. Comey should have just taken a dive quietly.

In the real world, the Clintonistas should be happy that Comey took a dive not to indict Hillary. Comey wrote the exoneration letter to give Hillary a walk months before he even questioned her in July 2016. Exoneration first, investigation later.

The Clintonistas are oblivious to the fact that if Comey had honestly done his job, then Hillary would have been indicted. Maybe the Democrats would still have nominated Hillary, and the media and the NeverTrumps would still have supported her over President Trump.

Comey looks confused. He believes that Hillary and her sycophants should have praised him for saving the Republic from Trump by taking a dive not to indict Hillary. Comey believed that Hillary would win, so he did not indict. What more could Comey have done for Hillary? He wrote the exoneration letter before he interviewed her, not under oath; gave immunity to all of Hillary's pals involved in the email scandal; and publicly announced that no reasonable prosecutor would file charges. No gratitude from Hillary and her pals.
Posted by: Besoeker 2018-04-19