
Inception: James Comey Gave CNN Its ‘Pee Tape' News Hook ‐ by Briefing Trump on Their Search for a News Hook
[Breitbart] In newly-released personal memos, ex-FBI Director James Comey wrote that he briefed President Donald Trump on unverified claims about an alleged escapade with prostitutes in Moscow in 2013 because "media like CNN had them and were looking for a news hook."

In actuality, Comey’s very briefing, which was subsequently leaked to CNN, provided the network with the hook to publish a story on the controversial dossier containing the infamous "Russian prostitute" claims as well as unsubstantiated charges of collusion between Russia and members of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. CNN’s report resulted in worldwide coverage of the dossier charges.
Posted by: Besoeker 2018-04-21