
KIM DU TOIT gets it
h/t Instapundit
[KimDuToit] ...And here’s the really good news: Obama was just the beginning. The next Democrat president is going to make him look like an amateur socialist: a member of the 1930s Fabian Society, as opposed to Joseph Stalin.

This, by the way, is the reason I’m really irritated by the NeverTrumpers: their childish little tantrums about Trump’s uncouth manner, his "undignified" behavior (e.g. his use of Twitter) and the "chaos" of his Administration don’t do anything but help make the Leftists’ screams that "Trump Is Hitler!" ring true.

But if the NeverTrumpers irritate me, the pillars of the American Left (academia, the Press, the Democrats and so on) have a different effect. Where before I looked on them with scorn and some amusement ‐ FFS, do they actually believe that bullshit they’re spouting? ‐ I now look on them as I would a rabid dog or a black mamba: they really do believe that crap, and they are that fucking dangerous.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2018-04-25