
Macron in Washington
h/t Gates of Vienna
[ChroniclesMagazine] ...While Macron has earned some brownie points with Trump by pretending to treat the false-flag operation in Douma on April 8 as a real atrocity, and by joining the choreographed attack on Bashar’s non-existent "chemical weapons installations" six days later (poor De Gaulle is turning in his grave!), those two men have little in common. During the campaign Trump had manifested all the right instincts of an anti-interventionist, anti-globalist nationalist, but since coming to the White House he has succumbed to the Permanent State on many important issues (Russia, Syria, NATO etc). Nevertheless, it is still unlikely that he has internalized the global hegemonists’ Weltanschauung as such. By contrast, Macron has been in the Camp of Demons ab initio. He embodies the deracinated Western elite class, rootless, arrogant, cynical, and manipulative. He illustrates more vividly than any other European leader (save Angela Merkel) the Spenglerian loss of the will to define and defend one’s Kultur, and the pan-European loss of the desire (let alone ability) to procreate.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2018-04-25