
FNC's Baier Grills Comey Over Dossier, E-Mail, Leaks in Epic Interview
[MRC] Former FBI Director and new author James Comey has spent the past 12 days on his book tour promoting A Higher Loyalty, the supposed greatness of Comey himself and the lack thereof on the part of President Trump.

However, no prior interview compared to his Thursday hit on the Fox News Channel’s Special Report as host Bret Baier offered a masterfully tough tour de force akin to interviews of yesteryear by the late Tim Russert.

The interview got a late start with Baier telling viewers in a "Fox News Alert" at the top of the program that Comey was "in traffic" and that he would be kept updated with Comey’s whereabouts. Eventually, Comey arrived at the Fox News D.C. bureau near Union Station and the interview started at the 6:15 p.m. Eastern mark.

The questioning began with the Hillary Clinton e-mail probe and if it was "true that you and your FBI colleagues made the decision to exonerate Secretary Clinton well before she was interviewed."

Comey denied that despite having written a memo exonerating her and emphasized that it’s crucial for investigators to have an idea of where a probe that ended up lasting almost a year.

It was soon after that Baier showed his mettle, telling Comey that "you already knew that she had been telling, whatever you want to say, lies, mistruths about this investigation of what ‐ and how she handled those emails" and played a clip of Comey stating just that in congressional testimony in July 2016.

Here’s more of that exchange, including a question about why Cheryl Mills was allowed to sit in on Clinton’s FBI interview (as always, click "expand" for more):

Related: PJ Media - Comey Tells Fox News He Still Doesn't Know for a Fact that Democrats Funded the Steele Dossier
Posted by: Besoeker 2018-04-27