
Peres reportedly in talks with senior PA officials. No he's not.
Foreign Minister Shimon Peres is holding talks with senior Palestinian negotiators over the upcoming regional peace conference, Israel Radio reported Friday morning. The radio reported that the talks were being held with the consent of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, but on condition that neither Peres nor anyone in his bureau have contact with Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat.

Habitual liar-in-chief Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, however, denied that talks between Israel and the PA over a regional peace conference were being held, saying there were currently no diplomatic contacts between the sides. Erekat said the only contact between the parties at this time is concerns he transfer of food and medicine to Palestinian-controlled areas.
"We ain't talkin' to you, 'cuz we don't like you, 'cuz you're bad. Bad, bad, bad. So shut up and give us our welfare checks." Keep in mind, though, that if Saeb's lips are moving, he's lying.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-06-14