
Briton freed from Guantanamo prison tells European rights body of U.S. abuse
A bit more, just for the fun of it...
Oh boy, my first sympathy meter story. I am so excited :).
A Briton released from the U.S. prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, told Europe's top human rights body Friday he was beaten, shackled, kept in a cramped cage and fed rotten food as part of "systematic abuse" in custody.
He's lucky. We've still got chain gangs in some places...
Jamal al-Harith's testimony before a Council of Europe panel came as part of an inquiry by the body into human rights abuses at the U.S. prison camp to be made public in a report due out early next year. Reading from a 10-page statement, al-Harith described his two-year detention at Guantanamo Bay as a period of continual mistreatment that ranged from humiliation and 15-hour interrogations to physical abuse he said left scars.
"Where are your scars, then?"
"Ummm... I sent 'em out for cleaning. They'll be back Thursday."
At one point, al-Harith said he refused to take an unidentified injection and was chained up and attacked by five men wearing helmets, body armour and shields. "They jumped on my legs and back and they kicked and punched me," said the 37-year-old website designer and father of three from Manchester, England.
"Shuddup! Yer takin' yer giggle juice! Thump 'im, guys!"
...I fell down the stairs and my shoes fell off.
"Then I was put in isolation for a month."
...and I couldn't see -- so good
Al-Harith said he was kept mostly in a wire cage and given food marked "10 to 12 years beyond their usable date," as well as "black and rotten" fruit. Sometimes, unmuzzled dogs were brought to the cage and encouraged to bark, he said.
I'll bet they pooped, too. That's why I don't own a dog. I can poop in my own living room...
Detained in Afghanistan in October 2001, al-Harith maintains he had travelled to the region to attend a religious retreat in Pakistan.
Perfectly harmless...all I wanted to do was kill Americans, and who doesn't want to do that these days?
Posted by: Ol_Dirty_American 2004-12-18