
Egyptian Terror Suspect in Canadian Court
"This shouldn't take long. Just put the dinner in the oven, honey."
The government should not deport a Canadian refugee suspected of links to terrorism kingpin Osama bin Laden because he would be tortured and possibly killed upon return to his native Egypt, his lawyers argued in a federal court Friday.
Better to keep him in Canuckistan, and he can cut somebody's head off in Yellow Knife...
Mohammad Mahjoub, 44, was arrested on his way to work in June 2000 and has been held ever since at the Toronto West Detention Center. The jail normally houses short-term inmates and has been dubbed Canada's Guantanamo Bay after the U.S. military prison in Cuba. Mahjoub has been held without charges or trial, accused by Canadian security officials of belonging to the Vanguards of Conquests, a militant group with ties to the terrorist organization al-Jihad. Both groups are on Canada's list of banned terrorist organizations.
"Vanguards of Conquests." Nothin' about resistance in that name, is there?
Federal Court of Appeals Judge Eleanor Dawson stayed a deportation order against Mahjoub in September, saying she was convinced he might be tortured if forced to return to Egypt, where he was convicted of having terrorism links. Mahjoub admits he met Osama bin Laden several times while he worked in an agricultural plant owned by bin Laden in Sudan in the 1990s. But he denies any links to terrorism.
"No, no! Certainly not!"

Posted by: Fred 2004-12-18