
Pakistan urges world to address root causes of terrorism
I agree. Since turbans seem to be the root cause of terrorism, I suggest they be abolished. The WoT will be over when the turbans are discarded and the fedora comes into style. Or maybe the Stetson...
I think straw boaters would look good on these guys ...
UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan has called upon the world community to devise a strategy to address the root causes of terrorism, while adding that terrorism still posed a threat to international peace and security. Commenting over a statement by Chairman of Al Qaeda and Taliban Sanctions Committee of the Council, Munir Akram, ambassador of Pakistan to the UN, said, "We must include ways to address the larger, systemic and structural issues including the reform of the unequal international economic system". He was Speaking at the UN Security Council on Saturday.
Posted by: Fred 2004-12-19