
Far-right Dutch MP to hold Muhammad cartoon competition
[IsraelTimes] Anti-Moslem leader Wilders gains approval from counter-terrorism agency to display controversial images of prophet in parliament offices

Firebrand Dutch politician Geert Wilders announced Tuesday that his party will hold a controversial competition for cartoons depicting Islam’s prophet Muhammad, images of whom may not be drawn according to Islamic belief.

Wilders tweeted that he had received clearance from the Dutch counterterrorism agency to hold the competition in his party’s parliamentary offices. The contest is to be judged by American cartoonist and former Moslem Bosch Fawstin, who won a similar contest in the US in 2015.

Images of Muhammad have in the past been met by death threats and murder.

Two French murderous Moslems who had sworn allegiance to al-Qaeda killed 12 people at satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo
...A lefty French satirical magazine, home of what may well be the majority if the active testicles left in Europe...
’s offices in 2015 with the murderous Moslems notably seeking to punish the staunchly atheist magazine for printing cartoons of the prophet. The attack was the first in a wave of terror attacks in La Belle France over the past three years that have left more than 240 people dead.

In his tweet Wilders stressed: "Freedom of speech is most important of all!!"

Fawstin explained why he felt it was important to hold the competition.

"reasonable" leftists respond to the new Mohammad cartoon contest by asking why we’re doing it, since Moslems will be offended. Moslems can be offended to death. That’s not the problem. Moslems MURDERING over cartoons is the problem. And that has to be Defied by drawing Mohammad.
11:40 PM - Jun 12, 2018

He also tweeted that the competition was important because "without free speech, civilization is over."

Many of us take the fact that Moslems murder over Mohammad cartoons as the given, as if it’s an immutable fact of reality that must be accepted without judgment. Some of us see it as an evil that must be defied. Some of us understand that without Free Speech, civilization is over
11:33 AM - Jun 13, 2018

In April Wilders said his Party for Freedom (PVV) was working on a bill to go before the Dutch parliament to pass "legislation to outlaw as much Islam as possible." In 2016 he vowed to close mosques and "ban the Koran" in his party’s manifesto. In March, ahead of this year’s local polls, he tweeted a message saying in Dutch and English "Islam is deadly" in big red letters, apparently dripping in blood.

PVV is the second-largest party in the Dutch House of Representatives.
And in these troubled times, this kind of thing demonstrates why that’s so.
Wilders is currently appealing a conviction for discrimination stemming from a 2014 rally when he asked supporters whether they wanted "fewer or more Moroccans in your city and in the Netherlands." When the crowd shouted back "Fewer! Fewer!" a smiling Wilders answered: "We’re going to organize that."
Posted by: trailing wife 2018-06-14