
China launches super-dooper-expressway program
China's leaders have approved a plan to develop a national super-highway system, the official Xinhua news agency reported Sunday. The ambitious new program was approved on Friday at an executive meeting of China's State Council chaired by Premier Wen Jiabao, Xinhua said. The meeting passed in principle a plan for the construction of China's national expressway network, it said.

Details of the plan were not disclosed, but participants told the news agency that the meeting decided construction of the network must conform with China's economic and social development. It also had to take into account regional development, urban and rural development and population distribution, the news agency said. "Advanced technology and materials should be used to improve construction quality and cut cost," an official announcement said.

China's expressway construction has embarked on fast track expansion over the past decade, Xinhua said. By the end of 2003, China had opened to traffic more than 17,800 miles of expressway, ranking second in the world behind only the United States. China now has expressways linking the northeast, north, east and south of the country, the news agency said.
Copyright 2004 by United Press International
Posted by: .com 2004-12-20