
Where Is Waldo Barack Obama?
Like I give a rat's ass - check out the level of whining and utter bullshit in this article - it's awesome, baby!
Just a small taste for you guys...

[MSN]...But the Boy Scouts speech really troubled him. Kids their age are the most impressionable group there is, Obama reminded friends at the time, likening them to sponges. If the president shoves a divisive political argument at them, that’s what they will absorb.
Something he knows all too well...
It was a very Barack Obama thing to get agitated about. Throughout his entire political career, he has attached an unusual degree of significance to storytelling, and he has often spoken of the importance of modeling what it means to be a good citizen. He had recently concluded a two-month stretch full of international travel and was just starting to settle into his post-presidency, and that week was a busy one in Washington ‐ Republicans were zeroing in on a vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The Boy Scouts speech was relatively unimportant (mostly improvised, probably something Trump would forget about within a week), but perhaps it presented an opportunity. One of the most potent tools in Obama’s arsenal, as a retired president, is rhetoric. Even if he no longer enjoyed the bully pulpit, he could, if he wanted, fill the vacuum of moral leadership Trump had created (what's that supposed to mean? - ed.) and offer, to not only the Scouts but the entire country, a lesson in civics that no other Democrat is positioned to give.

But then he did another very Barack Obama thing: He decided to stay quiet.
Where is Obama? It is a question much of the country has been asking over the last two years, sometimes plaintively. "Come back, Barack," Chance the Rapper sang in a Saturday Night Live sketch. "We all miss him," Kobe Bryant said, speaking for other athletes. Even former FBI director James Comey admitted to German interviewers this spring that he misses Obama.
You get the gist of it by now; the entire article is complete and utter codswallop...
Posted by: Raj 2018-06-26