
CNN's Jim Acosta Gets Abused At A Trump Rally
If it's okay to harass Trump Administration employees (and also Trump supporters), so is this, and I hope I see this every single day from now until November, and then some. With video goodness!
[NewsBusters] - Hours before President Trump arrived on Monday night at a South Carolina campaign rally with incumbent Republican Governor Henry McMaster, CNN’s chief White House correspondent and carnival barker Jim Acosta faced quite the crowd behind him during a live shot with chants of "go home, Jim" and "fake news Jim," while one attendee moved from side to side with a "CNN Sucks" sign.

During a live shot in the next hour, Acosta decried the lack of civility by these Trump supporters and highlighted a woman who had heckled him. Responding to her calls for CNN to pack up and leave, he asserted like a true firefighter that "we are here to do our jobs."

Posted by: Raj 2018-06-26