
The "Nuclear" option explained:
A scenario for an unspecified day in 2005: One of President Bush's judicial nominations is brought to the Senate floor. Majority Leader Bill Frist makes a point of order that only a simple majority is needed for confirmation. The point is upheld by the presiding officer, Vice President Dick Cheney. Democratic Leader Harry Reid challenges the ruling. Frist moves to table Reid's motion, ending debate. The motion is tabled, and the Senate proceeds to confirm the judicial nominee -- all in about 10 minutes.
Read the rest at the link

After reading this column I became extremely angry with the Republicans. If this option was available since becoming a majority, why in gods name haven't they exercised this option over the past two years? Are they afraid of upsetting the Democrats? Trust me, no matter what course of action the Republicans take, the Dems will not like it. Can you imagine the left defending why they are against Miguel Estrada? The main reasons they claim is that he refuses to answer stupid question from Senator Daschele and they are unsure if he will put a stop to killing babies. The better would have been to confirm him through this process and then leak that memo that shows Democratic collusion with NARAL and the ACLU. Trust me they would have been scurrying for cover, and not attacking a great man. Just three words from Nike Senator Frist: JUST DO IT!
Posted by: Cyber Sarge 2004-12-20