
Bill Clinton Encouraged African Genocide
So much for the myth of "America's first black president": A new movie reveals that racist Bill Clinton not only did nothing to stop genocide in Rwanda, he also pressured other nations to do nothing. In a rare case of exposing one of Clinton's greatest scandals, the New York Times today discusses United Artists' "Hotel Rwanda," opening Wednesday, along with former Clinton national security adviser Anthony Lake... An early review of "Hotel Rwanda" in the Harvard Crimson says "the Clinton White House's claim in 1994 that the US had 'taken a leading role in efforts to protect the Rwandan people' is the worst lie that administration ever told."

"Clinton's visage appears briefly in the film — when the camera rests on a copy of Time Magazine with the forty-second president plastered on the cover. But we keenly feel his absence. And in a singularly eerie scene, State Department spokeswoman Christine Shelly is heard on TV as she tries to deny that the situation on the ground in Rwanda rises to the level of genocide. Shelly's words roundly contradict the reality on the screen," the Crimson says...
Posted by: Anonymoose 2004-12-20