
Invaders Are Not Immigrants
[American Thinker] The Democratic Party, along with its shills in the mainstream media, has misleadingly blurred the lines between the definition of "immigrant" and "invader." An immigrant is an alien who has been granted the right to permanently reside in the United States by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. An "invader," as defined by Merriam Webster, is one who "trespasses, encroaches, and infringes upon another's property." The United States is our collective home and those who come here without seeking and gaining permission to enter our collective home are no different than an uninvited guest who enters our personal home to take up residence without permission.

As a legal immigrant brought to the United States from Germany at a young age by my parents, I and many legal immigrants who waited sometimes years to obtain the necessary visa for entry resent those who merely walk across our border and claim to be "immigrants." An immigrant is one who seeks and gains approval to enter, while invaders disrespect our laws put in place by "We the people."

Currently the Democratic Party, under the leadership of Tom Perez, a Marxist, and Keith Ellison, a Muslim Brotherhood operative, have been campaigning for open borders. They have resisted President Trump's border enforcement, and many others are now calling for the abolishment of ICE (Immigration Custom Enforcement). One only has to look at crime statistics committed by illegals to see a glimpse of what a borderless United States holds for us.

The Daily Wire reported that 92 percent of confirmed aliens in Federal Bureau of Prisons custody are illegals and that 97 percent of confirmed aliens in the U.S. Marshal Service custody are illegals. Furthermore, 21 percent of those convicted of non-immigration crimes were non-citizens and 2.5 times their share of the population. The Government Accountability Office reported in 2011 that there were 251,000 criminal aliens in federal, state, and local prisons. Those aliens represented nearly three million criminal offenses, which ranged from homicide and kidnappings to drugs, burglary, and larceny. These criminal offenses would not have occurred here had these criminals been prevented from gaining a foothold into our home and thousand of lives would not have been lost.
Posted by: Besoeker 2018-07-10